Friday 27 March 2015

Background Creation in Adobe Illustrator

This time I created these backgrounds by basically using blend tool, gradient, clip masking, rotate, reflect, pencil and pen tool. I first created paths for the designs with the pencil tool and then applied blending effects between the paths and filled them with gradient tools. The same way I created the flower petals using the same technique and using rotate tool and thus resulting in the creating of the rest of the flower petals. Since most of the times the designs came out of the document border i used clip masking to remove the parts outside the document border.

Monday 23 March 2015

Adobe Illustrator Icons

This is my first assignment using Adobe Illustrator in an attempt to make icons. As a beginner I used the normal shape tools and manipulated it as required. I used the Shape Builder Tool for joining various shapes and converting it into one shape. I used pen tool to give various effects as well.